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Corporate Social Responsibility

Hatteland Technology works purposefully to balance economic, environmental, and social considerations. Our well-founded ethical values ​shape how we behave and work together and lay the foundation for how we work internally and what external business partners can expect from us. Our responsibility in areas such as security, environment, ethics, and anti-corruption is well established throughout the company, management, and board.

The guidelines are based on declarations and conventions prepared by the UN and its subordinate organizations. In addition, we have developed clear goals and KPIs for CSR that we monitor, report, and communicate to the organizations on a monthly basis. With the implementation of the guidelines, we are sure that the organization is well equipped to monitor, analyze and follow up environmental, social, and governance areas.

Furthermore, all safety standards and regulations are complied with at all times. Our employees have long experience and we are proud to provide products and services that leave a minimal environmental footprint. Our corporate values ​​reflect this responsibility, and we extend well beyond the physical delivery of our products and services.

One Partner - Less Pollution

Hatteland Technology works purposefully to balance economic, environmental, and social considerations.

We are a one-stop-shop supplier guaranteeing compatible components for our customers' solution needs, reducing the environmental footprint compared to a multi-supplier solution.

Enabling sustainable solutions

Configuring and sending a complete solution package to the installation site, reduces the transportation carbon footprint. ​

Our worldwide technical team helps customers with support and repair on-site, reducing the need for service repair transportation.

We require that all of our partners in the supply chain are audited for sustainability and green-listed. 

Made to last

HATTELAND® products are built to last and with a repair, not a replace focus to reduce electrical components waste.

Lifecycle management guarantees continuous production and delivery  of products and components to ensure long shelf life solution

Backwords compatibility and form fit replacement products minimize the impact of hardware change projects.

Human rights

Partners and Suppliers are expected to share Hatteland Technology's commitment to Human Rights and particularly to treat people with respect and dignity, encourage diversity, remain receptive to diverse opinions, promote equal opportunity for all, and foster an inclusive and ethical culture, in accordance with the relevant International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions.

Compliance with Laws
Compliance with Laws Hatteland Technology’s Partners and Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations including without limitation, laws, and regulations aiming to protect human rights, fight against corruption, money laundering, terrorism, as well as laws and regulations related to antitrust, data protection, international trade compliance, health, workplace safety, and environment.

Child Labor
Partners and Suppliers must ensure that illegal child labor is not used in the performance of work. The term “child” refers to any person under the minimum legal working ages defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) or, if older, under the minimum legal working age for employment in the country or jurisdiction where the work is effectively performed.

Human Trafficking, including Forced or Indentured Labor
Partners and Suppliers must adhere to regulations prohibiting human trafficking and comply with all applicable local laws in the country or countries in which they operate. Partners and Suppliers must refrain from violating the rights of others and address any adverse impact their operations may have on human rights.

Employment practices

Partners and Suppliers are expected to ensure that their employees are afforded an employment environment that is free from physical, psychological, and verbal harassment, or other abusive conduct.
Furthermore, Partners and Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy working environment for their employees.


Partners and Suppliers are expected to provide equal employment opportunity and treatment of employees through non-discrimination on the grounds of especially ethnic origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, trade-union membership, personal political or religious beliefs.
Partners and Suppliers also endeavor to provide a working environment that encourages the employment of people with disabilities (subject to local legislation). Partners and Suppliers are also expected to treat applicants for employment without discrimination.

Wage and Benefits
Partners and Suppliers must pay workers at least the minimum compensation required by local law and provide all legally mandated benefits. In addition to payment for regular hours of work, workers must be paid for overtime at such premium rate as is legally required or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at last equal to their regular hourly pay rate. Deduction from wages as a disciplinary measure should not be permitted.
Partners and Suppliers must operate a health protection system within the applicable statutory requirements.

Weekly rest period
Partners and Suppliers must provide a weekly rest period of at least twenty-four consecutive hours to all employees.

Social dialogue
Partners and Suppliers are expected to respect the rights of workers to associate freely and communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without fear of harassment, intimidation, penalty, interference, or reprisal.
Partners and Suppliers are also expected to recognize and respect any rights of workers to exercise lawful rights of free association, including joining or not joining any association of their choosing.


Anti Corruption

Partners and Suppliers are required to implement governance rules within their organization in order to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Partners and Suppliers are expected to provide on a regular basis adequate training to their employees and executives and in particular the most exposed employees.

Whether directly or through third parties, Partners and Suppliers will not propose any offer, promise, gift, present, or benefit to any person for himself or for others, with the purpose that this person abuses or because this person would have made illegitimate use of its real or supposed influence in order to obtain distinctions, jobs, contracts or any other favorable decision. This includes, but is not limited to, offering or making improper payments of money or offering anything of value to government officials, political parties, candidates for public office, or other persons.

Partners and Suppliers are expected to compete on the merits of their products and services. The exchange of business courtesies may not be used to gain an unfair competitive advantage. In any business relationship, Partners and Suppliers must ensure that the offering or receipt of any gift or business courtesy is permitted by law and regulation, that these exchanges do not violate the rules and standards of the recipient’s organization, and are consistent with reasonable marketplace customs and practices.

Partners and Suppliers will not solicit or accept for themselves any offer, promise, gift, present, or benefit whatsoever, to make illegitimate use of their influence with a view to taking or obtaining any favorable decision.

Insider trading
Partners and Suppliers and their personnel must not use any material or non-publicly disclosed information obtained in the course of their business relationship with Hatteland Technology AS a basis for trading or for enabling others to trade in the stock or securities of any company.

Fraud and deception
Partners and Suppliers must not seek to gain an advantage of any kind by acting fraudulently, deceiving people or making false claims, or allowing anyone else to do so. This includes defrauding or stealing from the company, a customer, or any third party, and any kind of misappropriation of property.

Other illegal practices

Competition and antitrust
Partners and Suppliers are required to comply with laws and regulations aiming at the protection of competition and prohibiting antitrust practices. They must respect the principle of free price-setting and not fix prices or rig bids with their competitors. They must not share the market with competitors. They must not exchange current, recent, or future competitively sensitive information (including, but not limited to, pricing information) with competitors.
Partners and Suppliers must refrain from participating in a cartel. Partners and Suppliers holding a dominant position must not fix commercial conditions that could be characterized as excessive, discriminatory or loyalty-inducing, or otherwise abusing their dominant position. They must enable access to essential technology or infrastructure.

Conflict of Interest
Partners and Suppliers are required to implement policies intended to avoid all conflicts of interest or situations which could lead to a potential conflict of interest, including policies enabling employees in situations of conflict of interest (whether actual or potential) to provide notification to their line managers. This includes a conflict between the professional activities of the Suppliers and Partners’ employees and their personal interests or those of their close relatives, friends, or associates. Partners and Suppliers are expected to provide adequate training to employees who may be exposed to the risk of conflict of interest.

Maintain Accurate Records and Audit rights

Partners and Suppliers are expected to create accurate records, and not alter any record entry to conceal or misrepresent the underlying transaction represented by it. All records regardless of format, made or received as evidence of a business transaction must fully and accurately represent the transaction or event being documented. Records should be retained based on the applicable retention requirements.


Protection of information

Confidential/Proprietary Information

Partners and Suppliers shall properly handle sensitive information, including confidential, proprietary, and personal information. Information should not be used for any purpose (e.g. advertisement, publicity, and the like) other than the business purpose for which it was provided unless there is prior authorization from the owner of the information.
In regard to the protection of proprietary information, Partners and Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws governing intellectual property rights assertions, including protection against disclosure, patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

Information Security
Partners and Suppliers must protect the confidential and proprietary information of others, including personal information, from unauthorized access, destruction, misuse, modification, and disclosure, through appropriate technical, physical, organizational, and electronic security measures which shall be revised from time to time to reflect at all times, at a minimum, industry standards.

Protection of Personal Data

Partners and Suppliers and their subcontractors, suppliers, or other service providers, shall comply with the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) the laws and regulations adopted to implement the GDPR and any other applicable regulation (including laws, rules, governmental requirements, codes as well as international, federal, state, provincial laws).


Environment, Health and Safety

Partners and Suppliers shall establish an appropriate management system for Environment, Health and Safety (i.e. ISO 14001), and promote the awareness of those policies amongst workers and suppliers.

Partners and Suppliers shall take appropriate measures to operate in a manner that:

  • Limits the environmental impact of their operations, particularly by reducing consumption of energy and production of waste and by improving prevention and control of all other potential forms of pollution

  • Actively manages, prevents and mitigates environmental and health & safety risks (avoid as much as possible use & exposure to hazardous materials, mitigate risks regarding storage conditions, manage possible re-use, re-cycle, transportation or disposal of waste, mitigate exposure to radiation, etc.)

  • Conserves natural resources, promotes valorization and recycling of materials

  • Protects the environment in the communities within which they operate and all along their area of impact

  • Ensures that their goods, works or services do not have a negative/ detrimental impact on biodiversity

  • Develops a positive contribution to the fight against climate change;

    And, more generally, implement all protective measures to prevent any potential risk of damage to human or animal health and to the environment. Partners and Suppliers should protect the health, safety, and welfare of their employees, contractors, visitors, suppliers and others who may be affected by their activities.

Global Trade Compliance


Partners and Suppliers must ensure that their business practices are in accordance with all national applicable laws, directives and regulations governing the import of parts, components, and technical data in the Supplier’s jurisdiction, as well as with other foreign trade controls and/or other trade & economic sanctions or restrictions from the United States of America, the European Union, or from international trade organizations (including but not limited to those of the European Union and the United Nations).

Export control and sanctions

Partners and Suppliers must ensure that their business practices are in accordance with all applicable national laws, directives and regulations governing the export or re-export of parts, components, and technical data in the Supplier’s jurisdiction as well as with other foreign trade controls and/or other trade & economic sanctions or restrictions from the United States of America, the European Union or from international trade organizations (including but not limited to those of the European Union or the United Nations).

Partners and Suppliers shall provide truthful, accurate and regularly updated information (including the collection of signed Commodity Export Classification Certificates or CECC) and shall apply and obtain export licenses, permits, and/or other consents required, where necessary for the export of products from their country(ies) of manufacture.

No transaction (including import, export, or re-export operations of the products) shall be conducted by the Suppliers and Partners, whether on behalf of Hatteland Technology or not, with any denied or restricted entity or individual or any destination country that may be prohibited under the applicable laws and regulations of the United States of America, the European Union, or international trade organizations (including but not limited to those of the European Union and the United Nations).


Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Partners and Suppliers must comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding the sourcing of minerals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, from conflict areas (“Conflict Minerals”).

As such, Partners and Suppliers should establish a responsible purchasing & sourcing policy and audit, reviewing its supply chain on a regular basis to ensure that there is no risk of conflict minerals being embedded in the Client’s product or in the system equipment or systems they manufacture or sell. In particular, they must ensure that they do not, directly or indirectly, finance or provide any benefit to armed groups that are perpetrators of human rights violations. Partners and Suppliers should exercise, as may be directed by law or regulation, due diligence on the source and chain of custody of these minerals and therefore at a minimum require the same from their next tier Suppliers and Partners.

Counterfeit Parts
Partners and Suppliers are expected to develop, implement, and maintain effective methods and processes appropriate to their products to minimize the risk of introducing counterfeit hardware parts and materials into deliverable products.

In addition, Partners and Suppliers shall provide notification to recipients of counterfeit product(s) when warranted and exclude them from the delivered product.



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