Type Approval and Testing
- Overview
- Classification Societies
- Extensive Testing
- Military and Naval
- Testing and Customization
All Hatteland Technology products are normally tested and type approved to the required standards by the major classification societies, ensuring our displays, computers and panel computers are fit for the harsh environments encountered at sea.
We also provide dedicated ECDIS calibration which enables us to deliver type approved ECDIS displays straight from the factory to you.
Classification Societies
EU-RO-MR (Recognised Organisations Mutual Recognition) which covers;
- ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
- BV (Bureau Veritas)
- ClassNK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)
- DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
- GL (Germanischer Lloyd)
- LRS (Lloyd’s Register of Shipping)
Optional (also covered by EU-RO-MR):
- CCS China Classification Society
- KR Korean Shipping
- RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
More information about EU-RO-MR, visit
EU RO Mutual Recognition Group website
Extensive Testing
To ensure the above mentioned type approvals, the products are tested by independent institutions according to the following standards, where applicable:
IEC 62288 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays.
IEC 60529 - IP protection classes
IEC 61162 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces
IEC 60945 4th
IEC 60950 - In accordance to and the coming Safety Standard IEC 62368-1 in 2020.
Military and Naval
We have Type Approval from all major marine classification societies, ensuring our marine displays, computers and panel computers are fit for the harsh environments encountered on missions at sea.
- MIL-STD-461E/G
- MIL-STD-810F
- MIL-STD-167-1
- DO160F
- MIL-S-901D, Grade A/B, Class 1 (Hard mounted)
- Extended IEC 60945
- EN60945 4th
- EN60529
- EN61174 (IEC1174) (on selected models)
- TEMPEST SDIP-27 Level B (on selected models)
- EU-RO-MR (Recognised Organisations Mutual Recognition)
(Covers ABS - BV - DNV - GL - NK - LRS)
- Non ITAR products
Testing and Customization
Hatteland Technology works closely with systems integrators to ensure our products meet the most demanding requirements for maritime and naval applications.
Environmental Qualification Testing and Type Approval
Hatteland Technology's knowledge of international shipbuilding
standards and military specifications, coupled with our experience in qualification and certification of products to these standards is unsurpassed.
Test Facilities
Hatteland Technology’s test laboratory is capable to perform in-house Highly Accelerated Life Tests (HALT) as well as a range of tests in accordance with IEC60945 to constantly improve products quality. Selected test equipment consists of: EMI/EMC Chamber, Climatic Chamber, Vibration Table, Heat Chambers and Thermographic Camera.
ISO-9001:2015 Approved Processes
Hatteland Technology’s quality system covers all functional areas and facilities to ensure the quality of our work products.
All Hatteland Technology products are normally tested and type approved to the required standards by the major classification societies, ensuring our displays, computers and panel computers are fit for the harsh environments encountered at sea.
In this archive you will find all the Type Approvals available for every product and accessories produced and released on website since 1995 (First approved product). Use the quick filter buttons to get started, or search in our database below.
Expires within 2 years
or search for Type Approvals by Certificate Number, Society, Product Typenumber or Date (example 18 Dec 2013):
Company Related
DNV 2.4
EN55022 - Class A
IEC 60092-504 3rd
IP 66
MIL-S-901D Grade A
MIL-STD 461E - 1999
MIL-STD-1399, Section 300B
MIL-STD-167-1 Vibration