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Providing targeted and market-specific software

Hatteland Technology is an established distributor of hardware and network solutions with over 30 years of experience, a broad field of expertise, and a mentality that promotes technological advancements.

Our goal is to be a complete solution provider and to achieve this goal several of our products are supported by targeted and market-specific software solutions.

We currently offer three specific software solutions:

  • Video Management System (VMS) for smart camera applications
  • Automated Incident Detection (AID)
  • Forensic analyze system

Video Management System (VMS) solution:

Hatteland Technology has teamed up with an open platform VMS developer in order to design a customized video analysis solution to support our smart camera devices and hardware.

What makes this solution unique is its ability to incorporate products and components from several manufacturers – allowing you to take advantage of the best products on the market, and choose the right components for your needs, rather than being locked to one brand or manufacturer.

In addition to providing you with high-level data processing and analysis capabilities, the VMS also offers the option to incorporate deep learning.


Automated Incident Detection (AID) solution:

Taking advantage of the latest evolution in technology, we have teamed up with camera suppliers and software providers to offer a new and innovative AID solution.

Based on a system both embedded in the camera and on a remote server, this AID solution is becoming a gold standard, used in the transportation industry to increase safety and security on roads, bridges, and tunnels.

Rigged for the future, this AID solution will play a natural role in the further development of smart cities.

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Forensic video analysis solutions

Video Content Analytics platform use surveillance system IP camera network to enable rapid video review and search, face recognition, real-time alerting and quantitative video insights. Already successfully taken into use by law enforcement agencies, Artificial intelligence, and Deep learning technology solutions will make forensic analysis software a trusted source of information to reduce crime and increase safety.

SAIMOS Video Analytics Logo


You can reach us through phone, via email or alternative ways to get an answer for any of your inquiries.