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Parts and Recycling

Dismantling of products into its recyclable parts

To be able to dispose of the product in the correct manner, Hatteland Technology bases its requirements on Commissioning Regulation (EU) 2019/2021.

For more instructions concerned to the dismantling procedure, please contact Hatteland Technology.

Step 1.
- Separate the electronics from any metal and glass that is easily separable.
- If unit is optically bonded, do not separate TFT panel from glass and Metal frame (glass,TFT panel and Metal Frame is to be disposed of as if electronic waste).

Step 2.
- Sort the source materials and dispose of the electronics and metal/glass parts in the appropriate recycling/sorting station.

Details of Recyclable Parts, Spare Parts and Service Parts

Part Where to dispose of parts Optically bonded units: the TFT Panel, Glass and frame is to be disposed of as Electrical waste. Do not separate.
TFT Panel Electrical waste
Glass Metal waste
Frame Metal waste
Chassis Metal waste
Electronic Boards (PCB's) Electrical waste
Power Supply Electrical waste
Cable Kit Electrical waste
Outerbox, sleeve and Kit box Paper waste
Paper sheets/User Manual Paper waste
Plastic bags Paper waste
EPS Foam Paper waste

Contact Hatteland Technology for specific part numbers and request for parts.

No parts require scheduled checks and replacement.

Parts that needs to be replaced in case of failure:

Power Supply
Video Controller

Contact Hatteland Technology for specific part numbers.
Contact Hatteland Technology for availabilty of Firmware and Software updates.

Part Where to dispose of parts Optically bonded units: the TFT Panel, Glass and frame is to be disposed of as Electrical waste. Do not separate.
TFT Panel Electrical waste
Glass Metal waste
Frame Metal waste
Chassis Metal waste
Motherboard / Electronic Boards (PCB's) Electrical waste
Power Supply Electrical waste
Cable Kit Electrical waste
Outerbox, sleeve and Kit box Paper waste
Paper sheets/User Manual Paper waste
Plastic bags Paper waste
EPS Foam Paper waste

Contact Hatteland Technology for specific part numbers and request for parts.

Parts that require scheduled checks and replacement:

BIOS Battery
Air Filter

Contact Hatteland Technology for specific part numbers.

Parts that needs to be replaced in case of failure:

Power Supply
CPU FAN/Cooler
System Fans

Contact Hatteland Technology for specific part numbers.
Contact Hatteland Technology for availabilty of Firmware and Software updates.


You can reach us through phone, via email or alternative ways to get an answer for any of your inquiries.