

Product Notifications

in End of Life Notifications

 We hereby inform you about the following change in our product portofolio.

Due to a necessary review of our current product range, we have decided to merge similar products
(10" & 15" STD models) to a single solution: 10" & 15" MMD Maritime Multi Display range.

JH 10T06 STD (10,4 inch)                                       JH 15T05 STD (15,0 inch)
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These two STD products will be removed from our product portofolio.

These products will be obsolete immediately and are replaced with the existing
JH 10T06 MMD (10,4 Inch) & JH 15T05 MMD (15,0 inch) products.

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The existing Maritime Multi Displays will offer the same physical
"form-fit-and-function" as their STD models. The MMD Displays include a video input as standard.

All Tests and Approvals valid for JH 10T06 MMD & JH 15T05 MMD products remain unchanged.

Please review linked datasheets in this e-mail.

For appropriate conditions and further questions please reply to this e-mail
or contact your sales personnel at Jakob Hatteland Display AS.

Links to relevant file(s):