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Hatteland TechnologyAug 9, 2023 @ 14:396 min read

Q&A: Talking Moxa with Mr. Gøran Labrå

Some brands are built different. Mr. Gøran Labrå knows Moxa better than most, and over ...
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Hatteland TechnologyApr 28, 2023 @ 11:075 min read

Color calibration for ECDIS: What it is and why it matters

Roses are red, and violets are…turquoise?
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Hatteland TechnologyMar 9, 2023 @ 13:255 min read

Let's take a closer look at optical bonding

The arguably greatest addition to any industrial display is one you can’t see. In fact, ...
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Hatteland TechnologyJun 1, 2022 @ 17:513 min read

Why panel PCs are perfect for industrial applications

The rugged all-in-one package appeals to a wide range of industries.
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Hatteland TechnologyNov 24, 2020 @ 10:137 min read

Computing power for smart building

One of the many smart building definitions can be: A smart building recognizes and reacts ...
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Hatteland TechnologyApr 23, 2020 @ 11:403 min read

Finding the optimal innovation partner for system integrators

A reliable innovation partner will work closely with system integrators to create a ...
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Marco Ylä-KojolaMar 9, 2020 @ 14:424 min read

Nämä hyödyt tekevät paneelitietokoneista täydellisiä prosessien automatisointiin

Paneelitietokone on noussut viime vuosina suosituimmaksi vaihtoehdoksi teollisuuden eri ...
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Marco Ylä-KojolaMar 6, 2020 @ 09:563 min read

Paneeli PC elintarviketeollisuuteen

Ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetut paneelitietokoneet ovat ihanteellinen vaihtoehto ...
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Hatteland TechnologyJun 6, 2019 @ 14:006 min read

De mange fordelene som gjør Panel PC-er perfekte for bruk i prosessautomasjon

Panel PC-er har de seneste årene vokst frem som det foretrukne valget på tvers av ...
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